How To Not Suck At Golf – Our 15 Top Tips

Golf can be a tricky game for even the most experienced players. If you’re trying to up your golf game, this blog post is for you! We’ve put together 15 tips to help you not suck at golf. From mastering your swing to choosing the right equipment, these tips will help take your game from amateur to pro.

Learn the Rules and Etiquette

Golf is a sport that requires knowledge of the rules and etiquette. Knowing and following the guidelines will create a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Here are some tips on how to not suck at golf by learning the rules and etiquette:

1. Learn as you go. As one of golf’s most famous players, Arnold Palmer, said, golf is all about learning as you go. Not only should you learn the game itself, but also the rules and etiquette that come with it.

2. Remember to stay quiet while other players are putting or teeing off. Being respectful of your fellow players will make for an enjoyable round for everyone involved and keep things from getting heated on the course.

3. Share golf carts when necessary – no hogging them to yourself! This ensures that everyone has enough space in their cart and can use it without any issues between players sharing a cart.

4. Wear appropriate attire on the course – no tank tops or football shirts allowed! Collared polo shirts with sleeves are usually best when playing golf, so dress appropriately before heading out onto the course.

5. Avoid standing in someone’s shadow while they putt or tee off – this is considered very rude in golf and can ruin someone else’s shot if done incorrectly! Always be aware of where your shadow is before taking your stance on any hole or putting green area before hitting your shot.

6. Practice putting with only a few balls at once so as not to take up too much space on the practice green for others who may be waiting behind you to hit their shots as well!

Practice Proper Grip and Posture

Proper golf grip and posture are essential elements for a successful game of golf. Taking the time to ensure that your grip and posture are correct can help you develop good habits, improving your accuracy and consistency.

When setting up for a shot, ensure you have a slightly stronger top hand at address. Drop the bottom hand slightly more under the grip for better control. Your hips should also be square to the target line so that your body is in alignment with your feet, knees, hips, and shoulders. Being too near or too far from the ball will cause your swing to be unbalanced, so it’s crucial to avoid doing either.

To increase power on longer clubs like drivers or fairway woods, widen your stance accordingly to compensate for the length of the club. When it comes to shorter clubs like irons or wedges, stand closer to the ball to maintain balance throughout your swing. It’s also essential to ensure that your lead arm moves down (not out) during your backswing, as this diminishes the shaft angle and increases clubhead speed through impact.

Finally, remember posture! Make sure you keep a bend in your knees while keeping an upright posture throughout every shot – this will help you keep consistent balance while swinging through impact. Practicing arching back like a cat can help improve hip mobility if needed!

By following these simple tips on proper golf grip and posture, you’ll be able to make better contact with each swing and get the most out of each shot!

Use The Right Golf Club

Using the right golf club is one of the most critical steps to achieving a great shot. The right golf club can help you hit the ball farther and straighter, even if you don’t have a perfect swing. Knowing which golf club will best suit your needs for each particular shot is essential.

When choosing a golf club, it is crucial to consider your skill level, playing style, and physical abilities. Beginners should start with a set of clubs that include woods, irons, and putters. More experienced players may need additional clubs, such as wedges or hybrids.

It’s also crucial to pay attention to how long your golf clubs’ shafts are. Shorter shafts are generally easier to control than longer ones. Also, look at the shaft’s flex—stiffer shafts are better for more advanced players, while more flexible shafts are better for beginners who may not have yet developed their full swing.

Finally, ensure you use quality grips on your clubs to maintain a firm grip during play. Various types of grips are available, and it is crucial to find one that fits comfortably in your hands and provides good traction when swinging your club.

Considering all these factors when selecting your golf clubs, you can ensure that you use the right ones for optimum performance on every shot!

Play With People Than Can Challenge You To Improve

Playing golf with people who can challenge you and push you to improve is one of the best ways to become a better golfer. When you play golf with people who are better than you, they can help point out areas of your game that need improvement and give you tips on how to improve them. Playing with people who are a bit more advanced than you can help push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to take risks to make the most out of each shot. Not only will playing with people who are better than you help improve your game, but it can also be quite enjoyable!

Develop a Consistent Follow Through

Developing a consistent follow-through is key to improving your golf game. A consistent follow-through will help you hit the ball with more accuracy, power, and control. Here are some tips to help you develop this all-important part of your golf swing:

1. Make sure you have a good grip on the club. A good grip enables you to maintain control over the club but allows enough wrist action for the follow-through.

2. At address, lock your arms and ensure they remain straight throughout the swing. This will prevent any jerky movement when swinging, which can cause an inconsistent follow-through.

3. Focus on taking small steps as you move back into position on your backswing, rather than big strides, which can throw off your balance and timing during the follow-through phase of the swing.

4. Keep your head still throughout the swing and focus on keeping it down as much as possible during your downswing so that it doesn’t move when hitting the ball or during your follow-through phase of the swing.

5. Relax at address and throughout the entire swing, including at impact and during the follow-through phase of the swing – tension can cause an inconsistent motion with poor results!

6 Finally, make sure to finish with a full turn of your shoulders after impact to complete a consistent follow-through that will help improve accuracy and power in each shot!

Master Short Game Shots

The short game is essential to any golfer’s arsenal, and mastering your short-game shots can help you lower your score significantly. Here are some tips for improving your short game:

1. Ball Position – According to the type of shot you need and the lie you have, you can choose from three spots to chip from: left armpit, middle chest, and right shoulder. To decide which spot you should use, consider the severity of the slope and how far away from the hole you are.

2. Distribute Your Body Weight Forward – When chipping, it is vital to keep your weight forward to hit a crisp shot that will land close to the hole. To do this, rock your shoulders back and forth as if you were swinging a golf club while allowing your hands to lead the movement.

3. Keep It Simple – The key to playing a good chip shot is keeping it simple. Don’t try too hard or over-complicate things by adding too many moving parts into your swing; focus on getting the ball close to where you want it to go without worrying about power or distance.

4. Practice Different Shots – Simulating different shots with practice can help you become more comfortable with different chip shots in actual gameplay situations. This will also help develop muscle memory so that when it comes time for an actual game situation, all of these skills will be second nature!

5. Avoid Getting ‘Armsy’ – A lot of foul shots are caused by getting a bit ‘armsy,’ where golfers stop moving their bodies and swing with their arms instead of their legs and core muscles. Maintaining proper form during swings is critical for effective results.

Warm Up Before Games

Warm-up is an essential part of any golf game. It helps to stretch and loosen the muscles, increase blood circulation and improve your overall performance. It also helps you to get into the right mindset before starting your round of golf. Taking a few extra minutes to warm up before playing can help increase your accuracy, distance, and overall consistency during your game.

Are you ready to hit the golf course? Before you start your game, it’s essential to warm up properly. Warming up will help prevent injury and improve your performance. Here are some tremendous warm-up routines to get you ready for an excellent round of golf:

1. Quick Walk: Give your legs a light workout by taking a quick walk around the practice area before teeing off. This will help get your muscles ready and increase your heart rate.

2. Dynamic Stretching: Dynamic stretching involves performing movements that mimic the golf swing with no equipment. This type of stretching will help warm up the muscles used during a golf swing and increase mobility in joints such as the shoulders, hips, and spine.

3. Golf Warm-Up Driving Range: Spend about 15 minutes hitting different clubs for each shot to targets at various distances. This will help prepare you for any situation you may encounter on the course.

4. Golf-Specific Mobility Exercises: Before stretching, spend a few minutes doing exercises specifically designed to improve mobility in areas such as your wrists and ankles that are important for a good golf swing.

By following these warm-up routines before playing golf, you will not just improve your game but also reduce the risk of injury.

Harness The Power of Putts

When it comes to putting in golf, some tips can help you take your game to the next level. The first and most important tip is to think, roll, not hit. Distance control is critical, so make sure you use an open stance with your weight slightly forward and swing length for distance control. 

Get a firm grip on the club and ensure your arms are in a good position to ensure a consistent grip. You also want to develop a forward press for more accuracy. 

Finally, when it comes to speed, use your large muscles for better control over the ball. These small changes can help you become a better putter and improve your overall game. So try them out and see how they work for you!

Practice, Practice, And Practice More

Practicing your golf game is essential to improving your skills and becoming a better golfer. Without practice, you will stay at the same skill level or even worsen. It’s necessary to set aside regular practice time so you can identify and work on areas of weakness in your game.

The best way to practice is by focusing on fundamentals such as proper stance and grip and learning basic techniques for different shots, like driving, fairway woods, and mid-irons. It would be best if you also took time for more advanced techniques such as chipping and putting.

When practicing, it is essential to make sure that each shot counts by using a pre-shot routine. This begins when you stop pushing your golf bag and laser your target; use practice swings that mimic the shot you are about to execute to prepare yourself mentally for the shot.

Finally, it is vital to spend time regularly hitting balls at the range and working on other areas of your game, such as posture, hip mobility, and swing mechanics. You can do this by practicing drills that focus on these critical elements of form or even playing with friends who can help provide feedback on how you are doing. You can become an expert at golf if you put in the necessary time and effort.

Know The Purpose Of Each Of The Golf Clubs

The purpose of each golf club is essential to understand when playing the game. Different clubs are designed for different tasks, and using the wrong one can lead to a poor shot or even an unplayable lie. To help you understand which club to use in any given situation, here’s a breakdown of the purpose of each type of golf club:

Driver: This is the longest club in your bag and is used for tee shots on long holes. The driver’s large head makes it easier to hit the ball with more power and accuracy than other clubs.

Woods are similar to drivers but shorter and have smaller heads that make them better suited for fairway shots. You can also use woods on longer par 3 holes to avoid hitting your driver off the tee.

Irons: Irons have shorter shafts and smaller heads than woods, making them better suited for shots from tighter lies or out of bunkers. Depending on their length (longer irons will go farther), they can be used for tee shots on par 3 holes or fairway approaches on longer holes.

Wedges: Wedges have shorter shafts and larger heads than irons, making them ideal for short-distance shots from tight lies or out-of-sand traps/roughs. They also come in different lofts (the angle of the face), so you can choose one depending on how high you want your ball to fly in order to stop it close to the hole after landing.

Putters: These are used only for strokes taken from within 20 yards of the cup, including putting and chipping around greenside bunkers/ hazards.

Breathe, Relax, And Have Fun!

One of the most crucial things to think about when playing golf is breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths can help you focus and relax while on the course. It is essential to remember that golf is a game and should be fun. When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a few moments to take deep breaths and remind yourself that it’s just a game. This will help you stay relaxed, have more fun, and play better shots. Additionally, breathing exercises are great for calming pre-shot nerves and helping to maintain focus during each shot.

Utilize Mental Strategies

Utilizing mental strategies can be an effective way to improve your golf game. The key is to stay focused and maintain a positive attitude while playing. A few mental tips that you can use to improve your game include:

1. Stay Positive – It’s easy to get down on yourself after a bad shot or hole, but staying positive and focusing on the next shot is essential. Remind yourself of the successes that you have achieved in the past, and keep pushing forward.

2. Keep Your Head Down – When we look up after taking a shot, it can often lead us to second-guess ourselves and lose confidence in our ability. Make sure you keep your head down until after your ball has landed before looking up to see where it went.

3. Visualize Success – Before taking a shot, take some time to visualize yourself making a successful shot with the club you are using. This helps build confidence and prepares you mentally for success before hitting the ball!

4. Take Time Between Shots – As tempting as it may be, try not to rush between shots if possible; instead, take some time between each one to clear your mind and refocus on the next one coming up!

You can ensure that you are in the right frame of mind when taking shots on the course by using these mental techniques, which will enhance your golfing abilities all around!

Get Some Professional Lessons

Getting professional lessons is one of the best ways to improve your golf game. Professional golf instructors have the knowledge and experience to help you identify any flaws in your swing technique, as well as help you develop a more consistent and powerful swing. They can also offer guidance on club selection, course management, and even mental approaches to the game.

Finding someone who understands your skill level and goals is essential when looking for a golf instructor. It would be best if you looked for someone who can provide feedback tailored to your needs.

During a lesson, it’s essential to ask questions about what the instructor is teaching you so that you can better understand their techniques and how they apply to your game. It’s also helpful to practice between lessons to reinforce the techniques taught by the instructor.

Professional lessons are a great way to jumpstart or refine your golf game. With an experienced instructor, you can quickly learn new techniques or identify areas of improvement to become a better golfer.

Learn from Others’ Mistakes  

Learning from other people’s mistakes is the best way to get better at golf. You must observe other golfers and take note of their mistakes so that you can avoid making them yourself. It is also essential to ask questions about their technique and any tips or tricks they may have for the game. Asking for advice from more experienced players will help you gain valuable insight into the game’s subtleties, which will make all the difference in your golfing success. Additionally, watching professional players on television and online can provide valuable tips and inspiration to help improve your game.

Stop Counting Your Score

Golf can be a difficult and sometimes even frustrating game. Keeping score all the time is one of the most prominent mistakes golfers make, and it can discourage them and affect their game. Keeping a score puts extra pressure on yourself and will distract you from enjoying the game. Fortunately, there are ways to enjoy golf without focusing on your score.

The first step is to focus on having fun instead of worrying about how well you’re playing. The purpose of golf is to have fun while challenging yourself, so make sure that remains your primary goal instead of aiming for a specific score. Try different shots, and don’t be afraid to take risks – this will keep you engaged in the game while helping improve your skills over time.

It’s also important to practice! Set aside time every week or month for practice sessions to improve specific game elements, such as putting or chipping. Make sure these sessions are purposeful instead of aimless hitting for hours at the range – this will help provide tangible results and progress over time instead of just getting used to bad habits.

Finally, remember course management! Knowing when it’s appropriate to take risks or play it safe can help lower your scores without relying on luck or an exceptional day at the range. Think ahead before each shot and consider all possible outcomes before making any decisions – this will help you make smarter choices during rounds which can ultimately lead to better scores without counting them up after each hole!

Bonus Tip: Prioritize Accuracy Over Distance!

Regarding improving your golf game, accuracy is more important than distance. Sure, a long drive might give you an edge over your opponents, but it will only help if you can hit the ball where you need it to go. Accuracy gives you control over your shots and sets you up for success when making those long putts and tricky approach shots.

The data backs this up too. According to Shot Scope, professionals with better accuracy tend to have worse short games and better approach games on average. That means that accuracy off the tee is key for short iron and wedge approaches; even then, distance gains can be beneficial. In addition, pros who are longer than average score better than pros who are straighter than average—so improving your driving skills certainly helps when aiming to shoot lower scores overall.

So while having a good driving distance can be helpful in some situations, accuracy should always come first when trying to improve your golf game. With good accuracy comes confidence in taking on any shot, which will really help you become an improved golfer. 


Golf can be an incredibly challenging game, and it’s easy to get discouraged if your performance isn’t up to par. But with the proper techniques and some patience, you can turn your game around. From developing a more consistent swing to improving your mental approach to the game, there are many simple steps you can take to make sure you’re not sucking at golf any longer. Remember that even the best golfers in the world have had off days, and they still manage to come out on top. With the right attitude and dedication, you can improve your game and become the golfer you’ve always wanted to be.

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